Registered Massage Therapy (RMT)

“Massage therapy has a truly lasting effect on pain & stress”

Our massage therapy services incorporate a range of techniques and modalities customized to your individual needs. We specialize in massage that gets results for specific issues so that you feel better immediately. Whether you have chronic pain or acute pain, or want sports massage, prenatal massage, pre surgery massage, and post surgery massage.

Talk to your massage therapist before your session about the issues that brought you to our clinic. Your therapist will listen and use the information you share to craft a session that will give you the most immediate relief. Then you will work together to create a treatment plan that works with your schedule and budget to provide long-term relief.

What to expect during your massage therapy service

It is always your choice whether to leave on clothing for your comfort. However, we recommend getting used to leaving off all clothing including underwear. Common issues such as low back pain, hip pain, and knee pain will benefit from work on the muscles surrounding the pelvis. It is easier for a therapist to work on these areas without underwear. We can always work around underwear if necessary and your privates are ALWAYS covered by the top sheet according to the Ethical Duties of RMTs of BC.

Your therapist will undrape only the body part they are currently working on and again. Privates are always covered according to the Ethical Duties of RMTs of BC.

We try for a tolerable level of discomfort with deep tissue massage therapy. A level that is effective but doesn’t cause discomfort to the level where the client’s body tightens in response. This differs from client to client, so please let us know if the pressure is too much or too little for your preference. We will adjust accordingly.

Some points to consider

Most of our massage therapy sessions are not full-body sessions unless requested. In our experience relieving pain, issues require more focus than a full-body session gives time for.

It is common to have you switch positions during the session to work on different parts of your body more effectively.

Please communicate with our therapists if anything during the session is not to your liking. We are very adaptable and would rather alter our approach to fit your needs than have you leave dissatisfied.

We have advanced training for an advanced treatment experience

You will see the difference right away. Come relax with us or use one of our more tailored programs. We specialize in treating soft tissue injury and pain through massage therapy. Each one of our massage therapists has gone through special training in assessment, pain science and additional manual therapy education.  Find relief from:

Sports Injuries

Low Back Pain


TMJ(The temporomandibular joint)

Strains and Pulls 

Frozen Shoulder

Plantar Fasciitis

Hip/Knee Pain

Joint Replacement


Surgery Post Op or Recovery

Disc Herniation

SI Joint Pain


Carpal Tunnel Issues

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Nerve Entrapment

Facet Joint Injury


Stiff Neck

Contact and feel free
to ask about more details